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What are invisible aligners?

Invisible teeth aligners are plastic trays that fit around your teeth and are worn to move them into their proper place. Unlike braces, invisible aligners do not have brackets or metal wires, and are hardly noticeable to the public eye. Typically, a series of aligners are worn and interchanged every 2-3 weeks to get the desired results. Depending on the severity of the case, a treatment can vary from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Many people prefer to use invisible aligners because they are easy to clean, are less noticeable, and don’t cause as much discomfort to gums and cheeks.

How do your invisible aligners work?

Many invisible teeth aligners require you to go to your orthodontist or doctor on a regular basis. However, Smilelove’s process is different and can be done while at home. Here’s how our invisible aligners work:

1)  We begin by determining if you are a good candidate by asking you a few simple questions. This gives our dental experts a good idea of what you want your finished smile to look like.

2)  Once you are given the go ahead, you can order an impression kit. We’ll send you all the materials you’ll need to make your own teeth impressions right at home. Follow our instructions to make four impressions, and send them with a prepaid shipping label back to Smilelove.

3)  A trained doctor will evaluate the molds, and send you what your teeth will look like after the process is complete. Once approved, a treatment schedule will be mapped out, and you’ll know exactly how long you’ll have to wear your invisible teeth aligners.

4)  Smilelove will directly mail you your custom invisible teeth aligners to wear. You’ll change to a new aligner about every two weeks. Wear them for the proposed time to get the straight, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted!

For more information, read our How it Works page.

How do I properly use and care for my invisible aligners?

Our teeth aligners are durable, but you’ll need to take care of them in order to get the results you want. To get the most out of your invisible aligners, do the following:

Wear them as much as possible. For the fastest results, wear your invisible teeth aligners for at least 22 hours a day. You can take them off to eat, drink, and brush your teeth. If your aligners start to feel tight and uncomfortable, you’re not wearing them long enough. Eventually, if you don’t wear them as long as you need to, you’ll have to pay for new impressions and aligners.

Rinse when you take them out. After you remove your invisible aligners, run them under cold water to prevent saliva from building on the plastic. The more saliva build-up, the more bacteria there will be in your mouth. Remember to not use hot water or run them through the dishwasher. Heat can damage and warp your aligners to the point where you can’t use them anymore.

Brush and floss your teeth before putting them back in. After you eat, brush and floss your teeth before inserting your aligners back into your mouth. Leftover food particles can stick to your teeth and aligners, which leads to bacteria build up and cavities.

Clean with soap, not toothpaste. Believe it or not, soap is better for your aligners than toothpaste. Toothpaste can be abrasive and scratch the plastic. The more scratched your invisible aligners are, the more noticeable they will become to others.

Don’t soak them in mouthwash. Soaking your invisible teeth aligners in mouthwash can turn them green, blue, or whatever color the mouthwash is. Tainted or colored aligners will be noticeable and not very attractive. Instead of mouthwash, use a clear retainer/denture cleanser.

How much do invisible aligners cost?

Smilelove’s invisible teeth aligners are quite affordable, and cost 75% less than other teeth straightening methods. You’re not only saving money on your invisible aligners but also money from the dentist and orthodontist appointments you would have had to pay for. It’s no wonder Smilelove is the cheapest way to straighten your teeth. We offer a variety of packages to better fit your situation and budget:

Fast Track Kit & Aligners (reg. $2,099): This is our most popular package where you can pay for everything up front for a cheaper alternative to Invisalign and a cheaper way to straighten your teeth. This package is the lowest cost for clear aligners and the quickest way to a straighter smile.

Smilelove Monthly Plan (reg. $106/month): If you’d like to spread out your payments, you can pay $106/month with Paybright based on a purchase price of $2,199 at 7.95% APR for 24 months. This plan will spread the cost of your clear aligners out with options over 12, 18 or 24 months. There is no penalty to pay your balance off early.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our pricing or packages. We’d love to help in any way we can!

Are your aligners BPA free?


Can I use health insurance to cover the cost?

Our aligners may be covered by your HSA benefits. You will need to check with insurance and company to see if it will be covered. 

Does the process hurt?

On a scale of 1- stubbing your toe, it’s probably a 3 or 4. There may be some slight discomfort with each new aligner set, but the pain shouldn’t last more than a day or two.

Will I have a lisp with my aligners?

You may have a lisp for the first day or two while getting used to them, but you know who else has had a lisp? Drew Barrymore, Winston Churchill, Barbara Walters- just to name a few. Talk about good company. ;)

I have a permanent retainer, do I need to remove it?

Yes. In order for us to get an accurate impression of your teeth so we can make the best fitting aligners, our Dental Team will require you to remove your permanent wire. We'll need your wire removed if you would like to straighten either one or both rows of teeth.

Can I get these if I have a bridge?

Absolutely. Once you've sent in your kit, let us know about the bridge and our doctors will make sure they work. We'll be able to determine if we're the right fit for you, and if not, you'll be refunded in full.

Can I get aligners if I have a missing tooth?

Yes, no problem. 

Can I get these if I have an implanted tooth?

Absolutely. Once you've sent in your kit, let us know about the implant and our doctors will make sure they work. We'll be able to determine if we're the right fit for you, and if not, you'll be refunded in full.

How long do I have to wear the aligners?

Each treatment is tailored to one’s individual needs. You might only have to wear them for a couple of months, or up to a year. The average treatment time is 6 months.

Can I get an aligner for just my top or bottom teeth instead of both?

You sure can. However, we still need impressions for both the top and the bottom teeth. Our Dental Team needs both to ensure that your bite is aligned well at the end of your treatment. For this reason too the price is the same whether you're doing just the top, just the bottom or both.

What if I lose an aligner?

First- don’t panic.
Second- you can just put in your next aligner and make sure you wear it for the rest of the time that you would have had left with your missing aligner, as well as the full two weeks after that.

How much does a retainer cost after?

Free. That’s right, we include your retainers for FREE.

Can I order just a retainer?

You sure can. If you’d like a replacement or backup retainer just reach out to our support team by emailing us at team@smilelove.me

We can provide retainers only to those who have received aligners from us first.

Do you guys offer teeth whitening?

For sure. We want those new straight teeth to glow. When you finish your treatment you’ll receive a code for a free teeth whitening kit.

Can I get these if I have wisdom teeth?

If your dentist has suggested wisdom teeth removal, we recommend going that route first. If he/she said you don’t need them out (wahoo) then you’re all clear to order an impression kit and get started with your treatment.

What is an impression kit?

An impression kit is what we send you in order to get molds of your teeth and to create your treatment. They include practice putty, 4 trays (2 for top teeth and 2 for bottom), and real putty for creating the molds. We also include instructions for photos and making a good impression, cheek stretchers, and a prepaid shipping label to slap back on the box and drop off at the post office.

What is a Treatment Preview?

A Treatment Preview is a digital rendition of what your teeth currently look like as well as what they will look like at the end of your treatment. If you like the look of your future smile, you can go ahead and order your aligners. If you don’t, you can cancel your order for all of your money back. Nice and painless.

What if I ordered my Impression Kit and haven’t received it after a week?

If it’s been a week and you still haven’t received your kit, give us a call at 1 (844) 211-7744 or shoot us an email at team@smilelove.me. We’ll be happy to look into it for you.

Should I keep my aligners?


Keep all of your aligners since you may need them later on during your treatment! and keep them safe from pets (since rover will likely chew them up!)

Can I chew gum with aligners?

If it’s sugar-free, you can chew it. A few people from our office who have aligners say that it’s weird chewing gum with them and they prefer not to. If you need some minty fresh breath, we recommend sugar-free mints.

Can I kiss with aligners?

You sure can. A common side effect from straighter teeth with Smilelove is, in fact, more kisses. ;)

Can I drink alcohol/coffee/energy drinks with aligners?

We recommend taking your aligners out if you drink anything besides water or clear liquids as this will preserve their clarity, and prevent your teeth from being stained. When you're done drinking we recommend you give your mouth a quick rinse with water before putting the aligners back in.

How often should I wear my post-treatment retainers?

You should wear your Smilelove retainers for 22 hours per day for the first 6 months after your treatment. Once you’ve reached your 6 month mark, you can try start wearing them during evenings and while sleeping. At that point, they may still feel tight since your teeth are still setting into their new position. Wear your retainers during the day until you no longer feel any tightness or pressure when putting them on during the evening.

Is this type of treatment process safe?

Of course it’s safe. Our aligner treatment is FDA approved and is prescribed and overseen by board-certified orthodontists. We do recommend seeing your dentist before starting the Smilelove treatment to make sure there aren’t any pre-existing conditions that may cause complications during the treatment process.

How often should I change my aligners?

If you’re wearing your aligners 22 hours per day, you should change them every two weeks. If you leave them out for a prolonged period of time, we suggest that you go back to your best fitting aligners and wear them for two weeks and proceed with the process as usual. We suggest setting a repeat reminder on your phone for every two weeks so that you don’t forget to change them.

We know it’s a commitment, but so was getting through all 15 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. You got this.

Do Smilelove aligners sit straight across my gums?

Unlike other aligners in the industry, our aligners are trimmed to your gum line in a scalloped fashion so that they don’t rest on your gums. Not only is this less irritable, but it’s also less visible so your aligners are truly invisible.

Am I a good fit for Smilelove?

There's only one way to find out. If you complete our smile assessment here, we will know if you’re a good fit.

How long does it take to get my aligners?

As long as there aren’t any unforeseen delays or extenuating circumstances, you should receive your aligners about 6-8 weeks after ordering your impression kit.

What comes with the aligners?

Aside from the joy and excitement that comes with Smilelove aligners, there’s a few material things we throw in there to help along the way. You’ll get:

-All of your aligners up front

-A removal tool to help take them out if you need some assistance

-Chewies that you can use to help seat your aligners for a tighter fit

-A file in case you experience any discomfort with the edges of your aligners.

-Free retainers that you will use upon completion of your treatment

Can I speed up the aligner process?

No, you can’t. Your treatment is designed to shift teeth at set intervals of time and it’s crucial to allow each step to take its prescribed two-week course before moving on to the next one. Trying to speed through the process can adversely affect the health of your teeth and gums and the healing of the periodontal ligaments surrounding your teeth.

I have a smaller/larger mouth, will the impression kit work for me?

You’re not alone. No worries, we have you covered. We have three sizes of trays that should work for every size of mouth. If you feel that your mouth is smaller or larger than average, we will text you when you order your impression kit and you can let us know then.

Can I get these outside of Canada?

We currently have treatment options available for people in the United States, Canada and Hong Kong. If you live in United States and would like to purchase Smilelove aligners, you can order them from www.smilelove.com, and for orders in Hong Kong, please order them from www.smilelove.hk.

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